Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Case study

Eastern students absolutely have right to grievance about the unjust treatment of Manges. Witnesses of her epidsode including a professor and several peers all agree that her proposes no threat to others or herself. I would agrue that most of Eastern's campus would side with Manges. Admisistration along with Judicial Affairs holds the power to determine Jill's academic career which they have placed on hiatus. Injestice needs to be recognized and power needs to be redistributed.

I would advocate lobbying of the office of Judicial Affairs, Counseling Center, and the university's administration, as well as gaining advice from other universities. This information must be made available to the students, faculty, and staff to get them all to rally behind the cause and plan a campuswide demonstration.

Emma Goldman would speak out publically about the injustice and call her public to action.

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