Thursday, September 13, 2007

Call to arms

This will be the first of many posts I will be making on this subject. As a class in social movement and rhetoric, I come to you in confidence and belief that you will be able to help with the current situation. My girlfriend Jill Manges, has been suspended until fall 2008 for having a mental disorder. Jill suffers from PTSD and had an episode in class. Judicial Board had initially portrayed Jill as a perpetrator and in non-compliance with a student behavioral contract under the charge that this episode was student misconduct. Jill has no control over these flashbacks, she has no recollection of the events that occurred, and she is using every resource she has at her disposal to cure herself of this disorder. I quote the hearing in which they decided to suspend her: "I will do everything in my power to be in compliance with student policy, I love this school, and really want to stay." Jill WAS a candidate for independent study next summer, but that is less likely if she is not a student.
The board had to our attention the secondary trauma of the other students, as a tie in to the argument that this is potentially a situation as dangerous as Virginia Tech, but let's look at the facts: 1. no one was harmed in the incident
2. the professor is in full support of Jill returning as a student
3. The class voted unanimously that Jill be reinstated
This is my conclusion that when the institution is out of touch with the students and teachers of a campus, it stands to reason that action must be taken. I will not lie, I am angry, this is the same argument that people use to discredit individuals like Abagail Folsom. This is a call to speak, this is a call to move, this is a call to arms.


Sersa Victory said...

You have my support. Perhaps some sort of public protest or propaganda campaign is in order?

Joe said...

Yeah, I am more than willing to put something together as soon as this weekend. Thank you scott, the appeal is on Thurs of next.

Sersa Victory said...

Of course, I won't have time to embark on an exhaustive campaign, but I'd be glad to sign a petition.

Journo said...

Joe --

I'm a journalist interested in writing about Jill's case. Can you or she please call me -- 301-503-4277.

Thanks much.