Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Post-Mortem America?

Hello everyone. My first blog post and though I am not sure it applies directly to where we are in class I felt the need to submit it. I am not going to go on at length about it now. I may in the future but I am simply too depressed at the moment. If nothing else, I do think the content is at least apropos in the grand scheme of discussing to the "Rhetoric of Protest/Social Movements." So without further ado or comment, here is what I have today.

Post-Mortem America

by Chris Floyd

Tomorrow is here. The game is over. The crisis has passed -- and the patient is dead. Whatever dream you had about what America is, it isn't that anymore. It's gone. And not just in some abstract sense, some metaphorical or mythological sense, but down in the nitty-gritty, in the concrete realities of institutional structures and legal frameworks, of policy and process, even down to the physical nature of the landscape and the way that people live.

The Republic you wanted -- and at one time might have had the power to take back -- is finished. You no longer have the power to keep it; it's not there. It was kidnapped in December 2000, raped by the primed and ready exploiters of 9/11, whored by the war pimps of the 2003 aggression, gut-knifed by the corrupters of the 2004 vote, and raped again by its "rescuers" after the 2006 election. Beaten, abused, diseased and abandoned, it finally died. We are living in its grave.

I encourage you all to follow the link above to read the work in its entirety. Oh, and for a bit of commentary on the above, here is another blog I frequent.

Once Upon A Time... by Arthur Silber

Take care everyone.


Sersa Victory said...

A pretty intense and interesting read, though I would argue that what the author describes is nothing new, and certainly nothing that is peculiar to the Bush administration.

As far as I'm concerned, it's standard procedure.

chris christenson said...